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Z\[AAcute]kladem jsou ", StyleBox["t\:0159i postul\[AAcute]ty", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":\n\n\t", StyleBox["1. Elektron se pohybuje", FontWeight->"Bold"], " kolem j\[AAcute]dra po stabiln\[IAcute] kruhov\[EAcute] orbit\:011b bez \ toho, \:017ee by vyza\:0159oval energii ve form\:011b \ elekromagnetick\[EAcute]ho z\[AAcute]\:0159en\[IAcute]\n\t", StyleBox["2. Moment hybnosti", FontWeight->"Bold"], " elektronu nem\:016f\:017ee nab\[YAcute]vat libovoln\[YAcute]ch hodnot, \ jeho hodnota je kvantovan\[AAcute] a to \n\t\t", StyleBox["l = m v r = n \[HBar]", FontSize->16], "\n\tp\:0159itom n je p\:0159irozen\[EAcute] \[CHacek]\[IAcute]slo (tzv. \ hlavn\[IAcute] kvantov\[EAcute] \[CHacek]\[IAcute]slo) a \[HBar] je Diracova \ konstanta: ", StyleBox[" ", FontSize->16], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\[HBar] = h\/\(2 \[Pi]\)\)], FontSize->16], ", h je Planckova konstanta\n\t", StyleBox["3. 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\[CHacek]\[IAcute]sla n\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(energie[n_] = celkova /. vysledek1 // Simplify\)], "Input", CellLabel->"In[10]:="], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(-\(\(e\^4\ k\^2\ m\)\/\(2\ n\^2\ \[HBar]\^2\)\)\)\)], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[10]="] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Hodnoty pot\:0159ebn\[YAcute]ch konstant z\[IAcute]sk\[AAcute]me z bal\ \[IAcute]ku Fyzik\[AAcute]ln\[IAcute] konstanty\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(Needs["\"];\)\)], "Input", CellLabel->"In[11]:="], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(hodnoty = {e \[Rule] ElectronCharge, m \[Rule] ElectronMass, k \[Rule] 1\/\(4 \[Pi]\ \[Epsilon]0\), \[Epsilon]0 \[Rule] VacuumPermittivity, \[HBar] \[Rule] PlanckConstantReduced};\)\)], "Input", CellLabel->"In[12]:="], Cell[TextData[{ "Ve sv\:011bt\:011b atom\:016f se u\:017e\[IAcute]v\[AAcute] jednotka \ energie elektronvolt (p\:0159ibli\:017en\:011b 1.602*", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\(\(10\^\(-19\)\)\(\ \)\)\)]], "J ), proto vyrob\[IAcute]me funkci, kter\[AAcute] bude 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Konstantou \ \[UAcute]m\:011brnosti je Planckova konstanta.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(rce3 = {h\ f \[Equal] energie[ni] - energie[nj]} /. h \[Rule] \[HBar]\ 2 \[Pi]\)], "Input", CellLabel->"In[18]:="], Cell[BoxData[ \({2\ f\ \[Pi]\ \[HBar] \[Equal] \(-\(\(e\^4\ k\^2\ m\)\/\(2\ ni\^2\ \ \[HBar]\^2\)\)\) + \(e\^4\ k\^2\ m\)\/\(2\ nj\^2\ \[HBar]\^2\)}\)], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[18]="] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(frekvence = \(Solve[rce3, f] // First\) // Simplify\)], "Input", CellLabel->"In[19]:="], Cell[BoxData[ \({f \[Rule] \(e\^4\ k\^2\ m\ \((ni\^2 - nj\^2)\)\)\/\(4\ ni\^2\ nj\^2\ \ \[Pi]\ \[HBar]\^3\)}\)], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[19]="] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Vyj\[AAcute]d\:0159\[IAcute]me t\[EAcute]\:017e vlnovou d\[EAcute]lku p\:0159\ \[IAcute]slu\[SHacek]nou k dan\[EAcute] frekvenci\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(c/f /. frekvence\)], "Input", CellLabel->"In[20]:="], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(4\ c\ ni\^2\ nj\^2\ \[Pi]\ \[HBar]\^3\)\/\(e\^4\ k\^2\ m\ \((ni\^2 - \ nj\^2)\)\)\)], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[20]="] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Definujeme funkci vlnov\[AAcute] d\[EAcute]lka s parametry ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`n\_i\ a\ n\_j\)]], ". 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Ka\:017edou s\[EAcute]rii ur\ \[CHacek]uje specifick\[AAcute] hladina energie, z n\[IAcute]\:017e vych\ \[AAcute]zej\[IAcute] p\:0159echody na vy\[SHacek]\[SHacek]\[IAcute] hladiny, \ nebo na kter\[EAcute] kon\[CHacek]\[IAcute] p\:0159echody z vy\[SHacek]\ \[SHacek]\[IAcute]ch hladin. Lymanovu s\[EAcute]rii, kterou si zn\[AAcute]zorn\[IAcute]me, tvo\:0159\ \[IAcute] p\:0159echody na prvn\[IAcute] hladinu z vy\[SHacek]\[SHacek]\ \[IAcute]ch hladin\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Table[vlndelka[n, 2], {n, 3, 10}]\)], "Input", CellLabel->"In[23]:="], Cell[BoxData[ \({656.1122770746499`\ Meter\ Nano, 486.0090941293702`\ Meter\ Nano, 433.93669118693765`\ Meter\ Nano, 410.07017317165617`\ Meter\ Nano, 396.9074268723191`\ Meter\ Nano, 388.80727530349617`\ Meter\ Nano, 383.4422398488214`\ Meter\ Nano, 379.6946047885705`\ Meter\ Nano}\)], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[23]="] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ { ButtonBox[ StyleBox["\[FirstPage]", "SR"], ButtonFunction:>FrontEndExecute[ { FrontEndToken[ FrontEnd`SelectedNotebook[ ], "ScrollPageFirst"]}], ButtonStyle->"SlideHyperlink", ButtonNote->"First Slide"], ButtonBox[ StyleBox["\[LeftPointer]", "SR"], ButtonFunction:>FrontEndExecute[ { FrontEndToken[ FrontEnd`SelectedNotebook[ ], "ScrollPagePrevious"]}], ButtonStyle->"SlideHyperlink", ButtonNote->"Previous Slide"], ButtonBox[ StyleBox["\[RightPointer]", "SR"], ButtonFunction:>FrontEndExecute[ { FrontEndToken[ FrontEnd`SelectedNotebook[ ], "ScrollPageNext"]}], ButtonStyle->"SlideHyperlink", ButtonNote->"Next Slide"], ButtonBox[ StyleBox["\[LastPage]", "SR"], ButtonFunction:>FrontEndExecute[ { FrontEndToken[ FrontEnd`SelectedNotebook[ ], "ScrollPageLast"]}], ButtonStyle->"SlideHyperlink"], " ", ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{ CounterBox["SlideShowNavigationBar"], \(\(\ \)\(of\)\(\ \)\), CounterBox["SlideShowNavigationBar", {None, "SlideShowHeader", -1}]}], "SR"], ButtonFrame->"None"]} }]]]], "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\[CapitalUAcute]kol", "Section"], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Balmerova s\[EAcute]rie", FontWeight->"Bold"], " je tvo\:0159ena p\:0159echody na druhou energetickou hladinu.\n Vypo\ \[CHacek]t\:011bte vlnov\[EAcute] d\[EAcute]lky prvn\[IAcute]ch sedmi \ \[CHacek]ar a ur\[CHacek]ete kolik se jich nach\[AAcute]z\[IAcute] ve \ viditeln\[EAcute] \[CHacek]\[AAcute]sti spektra " }], "Text"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"5.1 for Microsoft Windows", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1024}, {0, 685}}, ScreenStyleEnvironment->"Brackets", WindowSize->{495, 544}, WindowMargins->{{0, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}}, StyleDefinitions -> "HelpBrowser.nb" ] (******************************************************************* Cached data follows. 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The cache data will then be recreated when you save this file from within Mathematica. *******************************************************************) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{ "SlideShowHeader"->{ Cell[1776, 53, 1717, 45, 28, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[6235, 178, 1717, 45, 28, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[9583, 297, 1717, 45, 28, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[13703, 434, 1679, 44, 28, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[32062, 1066, 1679, 44, 28, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[36067, 1202, 1679, 44, 28, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"], Cell[38949, 1283, 1679, 44, 28, "SlideShowNavigationBar", CellTags->"SlideShowHeader"]}, "LastSlide"->{ Cell[11325, 346, 95, 1, 65, "Section", CellTags->"LastSlide"]} } *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{ {"SlideShowHeader", 41753, 1361}, {"LastSlide", 42449, 1376} } 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